Webelos Woods

The Fire Breathing Ducky Patrol headed out to Bethelwoods for the District Webelos Woods event. This is a weekend set up by our district to help AOL scouts earn their rank and get ready to crossover into the Boy Scout Troop.

Our scouts loved it. And the parents did too! This is a great weekend for parents to get to know each other. The staff which is made up of local Scouters and Boy Scout leaders takes the Cub Scouts for the entire weekend to train them on how Boy Scouts will be different from Cub Scouts. They played games to learn the skills they need. They bonded as a patrol. They entertained the parents at the evening campfire.

And parents, you get to bring a book, some cards and a camp chair and sit back and relax. Some of us even got to take an afternoon nap. But seriously it helped the parents learn what to expect from the Troop experience too. I hope all our AOL scouts will attend this awesome weekend in the future.
